Monitoring, what and when (Deosvision)

Life cycle management

Sea Marconi

Life cycle management (LCM) refers to monitoring the state of health of electrical equipment (transformers, reactors, etc.) throughout their operational lifetime, from the choice of insulating oil to verification of supply, from the first tests before energisation to the tests immediately after installation of the equipment, from controls at the end of useful life for to those post mortems for eventual disposal.

The purpose of these activites is the prevention of failures and damages (direct and indirect), environmental protection and more efficient allocation of the maintenance budget .

For this purpose, Sea Marconi has developed the Deosvision service for analysis and diagnosis of insulating fluids and equipment.
In relation to operational settings, the requirements of technical standards, the objectives of the investigation and especially the life cycle phase of the transformer, Sea Marconi is able to suggest the most appropriate analytical package and the frequency of checks for the customer
, translating analytical results into information of value for the owner of electrical machines with insulating oils.

 Deosvision involves the following steps:


  1. Sending the customer a kit for sampling of fluids
  2. Test sampling from the transformer and sending to the Sea Marconi laboratory
  3. Execution of scheduled analysis
  4. Issuance of diagnostic report


Each diagnosis highlights the critical functional or environmental problem, corrective actions and/or necessary countermeasures .

 Moreover, in case of machine pools comprising numerous items of equipment, Sea Marconi prepares ad hoc diagnostic reports for immediate identification of the state of machines and the priorities for intervention.


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